Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Post #100! =P

-Hey este s l post #100! Asi q kiero agradecerle a todos visitantes del mundo, y seguiré trabajando n l blog solo para hacerles llegar la mejor musik d todo l hijo de puta universo =P, y no olviden q si tienen algun pedido o lo q sea, nada + posteenlo n l chat y yo lo buskare, UNA VEZ + GRACIAS X LA VISITA! Saludos y keep it fuckin' metal!

-Hey these is the post #100! So I want to thank all the visitors from around the world, and I would keep workin' on the blog just to give u the best fuckin' music =P, and don't forget that if u have some request u can put it in the chat box, and I would search for it, ONCE AGAIN THANKS 4 VISIT! Cheers and keep it fuckin' metal!

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